Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Trying to catch up now that we have internet!!!

 There has been a lot of traveling going on since March.  Lots of adventures!

First!  I must tell you that I got my hair cut .  The first cut since Christmas!  Well I thought we were going into a hair salon.  Well I was wrong.  We went into a barber shop salon.  !!!  I asked her if she had ever done female hair.  " oh yes!  just this morning". .....   Well,  I look like a boy!  :(.   I will be wearing a hat for some time!  :). no pictures until as least a couple of months..BTW  Gene had a great hair cut!

ok maybe I should not have lead with that story.  Let me back up and tell you about Tangi Pines Family campground in Robert LA.  We arrived here after they had two days of rain!  We pulled into a site that was on a concrete pad.  I need boots to walk around the pad and camper.  There was at least 3" of water /elect/sewer. The post was underwater.  After 4 days the water level was down and just mud.   This place was about an hour from NOLA..

The ride was very long to New Orleans and there was lots of traffic.  We did manage to get the streetcars but some of them were diverted due to the parades.  

One the street car!  
There are at least 3 parades a day going on. One at 8am, another around noonish and another one at night, 6 or 7, all in different locations!  Open drinking is just fine in NOLA!  It really was a lot of fun, just crowded.

Gene making friends. :)


More Beads

one of the first floats that we saw!



Just a sample of some of the beautiful floats!

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